- Hepatitis B or Delta liver transplant patients at risk of recurrence: Long-term effectiveness and budget impact of low-dose subcutaneous anti-hepatitis B immunoglobulin plus patient education program. Pascal Lebray, Sophie Delignat, Alice Frelicot, Marion Carrette, Alix Gautier, Nicolas Jamet, Christophe Lecefel, Mélanie Houot, Sandrine Bourguignon, Dominique Thabut, Filomena Conti, Amélie Liou. April 22. Journal Liver of Transplantation
- Place des mesures rapportées par les patients (PROMS/PREMS) dans l’évaluation et la valorisation des technologies de santé en France. Roussel C, Chassany O, Durand-Zaleski I, Josseran A, Alter L, Auquier P, Bourguignon S, Cachoux J, Desforges C, Fernandez J, Gaudin AF, Germe AF, Haenel E, Olivier P, Maillard N, Naïditch N, Nguyen T, Péan C, Rumeau-Pichon C, Sales JP, Schmidely N, Tuppin P, Vray M. Therapie. 2022 Jan-Feb
- Early patient access to health technologies : is innovation needed for early management? Adenot I, Camus D, Épis de Fleurian AA, Tassy D; participants of Giens XXXV Round Table ‘Health technologies’, Bourguignon S, Chabin N, Chambrin PY, Costagliola D, Huot L, Joly AS, Le Lous G, Martelli N, Orlikowski D, Petit V, Puc C, Roussel C, Wilquin-Bequet F. Therapie. 2020 Jan-Feb.
- Budget impact of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose in patients with chronic heart failure and iron deficiency in France. Bourguignon S, Faller M, Champs FO, Moutier H, Levesque K, Caranhac G, Cohen-Solal A.ESC Heart Fail. 2019 Jun.
- Assessment of the use by hospital pharmacists of the opinions issued by the Haute Autorité de santé and the economic analysis tools proposed to them. Moutier H, Bocquet F, Bourguignon S, Paubel P. Ann Pharm Fr. 2019 Jan
- Expérimentations en faveur de l’innovation : réussir un projet de transformation de type article 51. Townsend A, de Trogoff H, Szwarcensztein K; Jean Bourhis , Sandrine Bourguignon, Benoît Dervaux, Sophie Dubois, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, Florence Favrel- Feuillade, Philippe Lechat, Philippe Maugendre, Bastien Mezerette, Dominique Polton, Xavier Pourrat. Therapie. 2018 Nov
- Use of a Delphi survey to assess the hospital economic impact of innovative products: The example of idarucizumab a dabigatran specific reversal agent. Jamet N, Thivilliers AP, Paubel P, Chevalier D, Bourguignon S, Bézie Y. Ann Pharm Fr. 2017 Nov
- Cost-effectiveness of drug-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Baschet L, Bourguignon S, Marque S, Durand-Zaleski I, Teiger E, Wilquin F, Levesque K. Open Heart. 2016 Aug
- MitraClip therapy in mitral regurgitation: a Markov model for the cost-effectiveness of a new therapeutic option. Guerin P, Bourguignon S, Jamet N, Marque S. J Med Econ. 2016 Jul
- Organizational and budget impact model (OBIM) of sameTM a new autotransfusion medical device. Moutier H, Martin T, Martelli N, Placer J, & Bourguignon S. Journal of Medical Economics, 1-11. 2024.
- Using a Budget Impact Model (BIM) As a Decision-Making Tool at the Hospital level in France: An Example of CPX-351 in Patients with NEWLY Diagnosed Therapy-Related AML (T-AML) or AML with Myelodysplasia-Related Changes (AML-MRC). Monnier R, Bourguignon S, Guindeuil G, Pawlak M. Value in Health Ispor 2020, Volume 23, Issue S2.
- Orphan drugs assessment in France- acceptability of the clinical data for the economic evaluation. Bodaghi C, Monnier R, Bourguignon S, Korchagina D. Value in Health Ispor 2019.
- Economic impact of the development of outpatient surgery in France. Touahmia SE, Faller M, Bizard F, Larrieu S, Bourguignon S. Value in Health Ispor 2019.
- The incentive financial framework regarding french hospital prescription of biosimilar medicines when delivered in retail pharmacy- impact analysis of article 51 experimentation for 2018. Bajard P, Duhamel J, Bourguignon S. Value in Health Ispor 2019. (Thèse de pharmacie de Pierre Bajard encadrée au sein d’IQVIA et membre du jury à Lyon)
- Limitations and expected challenges of Car-T economic evaluation. Allou A, Carette J, Touahmia S, Minacori R, Bourguignon S, Troubat A, Maurel F. Value in Health Ispor 2018, Vol. 21, S3
- What interpretation of icers in orphan diseases? A french example. Moutier H, Bourguignon S, Maurel F, Bodaghi C. Value in Health Ispor 2018, Vol. 21, S3
- Subcutaneous immunoprophylaxis as a cost-effective treatment alternative for hepatitis b virus- related transplant patients in France. Lebray P, Liou-Schimanoff A, Bourguignon S, Barlozek M. Value in Health Ispor 2017, Vol. 20, No. 9
- Budget impact of iv iron therapy with ferric carboxymaltose in patients with chronic heart failure and iron deficiency in France. Bourguignon S, Levesque K, Faller M, Champs F, Gremaud N, Moutier H, Caranhac G, Cohen-Solal A. Value in Health Ispor 2017, Vol. 20, No. 9
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of obeticholic acid for the treatment of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) patients with inadequate response or intolerance to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) in France. Baschet L, Bourguignon S, Tison A. Value in Health Ispor 2017, Vol. 20, No. 9
- Structured education program for injection technique – budget impact model. Laroche S, Hopley C, Bourguignon S, Strauss K. Value in Health ispor 2017, Vol. 20, No. 9
- Evaluation of The Economic Impact of Ferric Carboxymaltose Use For The French National Health Insurance And The French Hospitals Organization. Champs F, Augry R, Bourguignon S, Degrassat- Théas A, Paubel P. Value in Health Ispor 2016, Vol. 19, No. 7 →ce modèle a initié un travail de plusieurs années ayant conduit aux recommandations de la HAS sur le PBM » Patient Blood Management ».
- The use of a Dabigatran-Specific Reversal Agent: Budget Impact Analysis from the Hospital Perspective and the French Public Payer Perspective. Jamet N, Bourguignon S, Le Lay K. Value in Health Ispor 2016, Volume 19, Issue 7
- Additional Cost of VTE In Patients with Cancer: an Approach Based Databases. Bourguignon S, Mayeur D, Mahe I, Krakowski I. Value Health Ispor 2015. (A conduit à la publication suivante que j’ai rédigée sans droit d’y figurer Mahé I, Mayeur D, Krakowski I. Management of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients: the economic burden of hospitalizations. Support Care Cancer. 2016 Oct;24(10):4105-12. doi: 10.1007/s00520-016-3224-0. Epub 2016 May 4. PMID: 27146390.)
- Interest of a Hospital database to analyze the cost for acute stroke: the example of Versailles hospital. Bourguignon, S. et al. Value in Health Ispor 2014, Volume 17, Issue 7
- Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Mitraclip in Mitral regurgitation for High-Risk patients. Jamet N, Bourguignon S, Marque S. Value Health Ispor 2014.
- Adrenal Insufficiency: Burden of Disease in France in 2011. Bourguignon, S. et al. Value in Health Ispor 2013, Volume 16, Issue 7
- Comparing Costs of Anti-TNF Therapy by adminstration route for Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis in France in 2012: A Budget Impact Model. Chevreul, K. et al. Value in Health Ispor 2012, Volume 15, Issue 7
- Patient transfer decrease and health insurance costs savings associated with telemedicine consultation. Example of the telemedicine network of “Midi-Pyrénées” (RTR) Billon, S et al. Value in Health Ispor 2008, Volume 10, Issue 6
- Budget and Organizational Impact Models (OBIM) for Health Products in Europe: An Overview from 2014 to 2024. MOUTIER H, Placer J1, Thiebaut M1, Bourguignon S1. ISPOR 2024.
- Organizational and Budget Impact Model (OBIM) of Same™: A New Intraoperative Cell Salvage or Autotransfusion System Capable of Retransfusing Also Patient’s Platelets. Moutier H ; Placer J; Perrin S; Laurent G; Bourguignon S. Ispor 2024.
- ISPOR May 2024 – Speaker – Current and future role RWE for Medical Device and Diagnostics Market access in Europe.
- Speaker ACIP – June 6, 2023- « Early Access, Back to 2 Years » (with the participation of the HAS, the LEEM and the patient association « Les triplettes »)
- PRES – Roche Health Economics Program – april 2023 – Evaluate non-article 51 health pathways
- CRIP Roundtable – May 19, 2022 – “In 2030, when the patient decides”
- HealthMyLove2022 Communication – Medtronic-funded series of filmed debates
- TR – NILE – 02/02/2022 – « Research & Industrial Sovereignty: From Supply Disruptions to Disruptive Innovations »
- SNITEM Online Symposium – November 9, 2021 – « Towards which model of regulation of medical devices? »
- Les Assises de l’Avenir – 11 May 2021 – « Health independence: the paths to reconquest »
- WDMH (When Doctors Meet Hackers) – October 13, 2017 – Evaluation Evolution
- Videos and all EDIMARK contributions
- RCFr 2018 – TR Anticipating the economic model of ambulatory care pathways in cancer.
- RCFr 2017 – TR Developing Expertise in Health Research – Medico-Economic Evaluation Part
- PLCF – Pharma Licensing Club France – October 3, 2013 – pharmaco-economics dinner debate
- Enjeux de l’évaluation des impacts organisationnels pour les DM – 30 nov 21
- Documenter l’impact organisationnel : les attentes de la Cnedimts – 13 déc 22
- Evaluation médico-économique des DM : état des lieux et enjeux – 08 juillet 2019
- 9 mars 2013 – « L’open data en santé : vers la prise de pouvoir ? »
- 12 juin 2012 – « Système de santé : les nouveaux enjeux de la médico-économie ? »
- 27 avril 2012 – « Où vont vos données de santé ? »
- 8 mars 2012 – « La Protection Sociale s’invite timidement dans les débats politiques ! »
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