of Healthcare

Legal Notices and General Terms of Use

The purpose of these legal notices and general terms of use (referred to as “GTU”) is to outline the legal framework for the provision of the site and services by RWEality and to define the conditions of access and use of the services by the “User”.
These legal notices and GTU are accessible on the site under the “Legal Notices & GTU” section.
Any use of the site implies full acceptance of the GTU by the user without any reservation or restriction. In case of non-acceptance of the GTU, the User must renounce access to the site.
RWEality reserves the right to unilaterally modify the content of these GTU at any time. Users of the site are therefore invited to consult them regularly.

Article 1: Legal Notices

SAS with a capital of 10,000 euros RCS Evry B registred under number 979529039
APE Code: 7490B
VAT number: FR65979529039
Registered office: 7 square de la Brèche, 91070 Bondoufle – France
Office address: 28-34 rue Château des Rentiers – 75013 Paris – France
Phone number: +33(0) 7 87 06 50 98
Email address:

Publication Director: Sandrine Bourguignon –

Art Direction: Virginie Robic
Website Development: Perrine Bocquin –

Website host:
OVH Cloud – 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1 – France.

Article 2: Access to the Site

The site allows the User to learn about the activities of the RWEality company.
The site is accessible free of charge anywhere to any User with internet access. All costs incurred by the User to access the service (computer equipment, software, internet connection, etc.) are at their expense.
Any event due to a case of force majeure resulting in a malfunction of the site or server and subject to any interruption or modification in case of maintenance does not engage the responsibility of RWEality. In such cases, the User agrees not to hold the publisher responsible for any interruption or suspension of service, even without prior notice.

Article 3: Data Collection

The site ensures the User a collection and processing of personal information in respect of privacy in accordance with law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms.
Under the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete, and oppose their personal data. The User exercises this right:
By email to:
By postal mail to: 7 square de la Brèche – 91070 Bondoufle
Via the contact form.

Article 4: Intellectual Property

Trademarks, logos, signs, and all content on the site (texts, images, sounds, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.
The RWEality trademark is a registered trademark of Sandrine Bourguignon. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of this trademark, of any kind, is totally prohibited.
The User must obtain prior permission from the site for any reproduction, publication, or copy of various contents. They agree to use the contents of the site strictly for private purposes, any use for commercial and advertising purposes is strictly prohibited.
Any total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever, without the express permission of the site operator, constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
It is recalled according to article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code that the User who reproduces, copies, or publishes protected content must cite the author and their source.

Article 5: Responsibility

The sources of the information disseminated on the site are deemed reliable, but the site does not guarantee that it is free of defects, errors, or omissions.
The information provided is presented for informational and general purposes without contractual value. Despite regular updates, the site cannot be held responsible for changes in administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication. Similarly, the site cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained in this site.
The site cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the User’s computer or any computer equipment, following use, access, or download from this site.
The site’s responsibility cannot be engaged in case of force majeure or the unpredictable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

Article 6: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

French law applies to this contract. In the absence of an amicable resolution of a dispute arising between the parties, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction to hear it. For any questions relating to the legal notices and the application of these GTU, you can contact the publisher at the details listed in ARTICLE 1.